Hardship Fund
Are you under the age of 50? Have you been diagnosed with bowel cancer, or suspected bowel cancer diagnosis? You may be eligible to apply for a hardship fund.
The Hardship fund provides an opportunity to request vital support at a time when you may be faced with financial hardship or have been disadvantaged as a result of your bowel cancer diagnosis.
We recognise that as a result of undergoing intensive treatment regimes for bowel cancer such as chemotherapy or immunotherapy, you may incur financial hardship through, for example, a loss of earnings. Supporting you financially may help provide you with short term respite, improve your wellbeing and quality of life and reduce the wider impact that bowel cancer has on your day to day life.
To make an application to the hardship fund, you will be asked to answer a short series of questions and include a statement of what support you need and why. Where appropriate, a GP or healthcare professional letter will also provide conformation of your situation.
Applications should be made via The Bowel Movement website only. You may be eligible to receive a hardship grant if you meet the following criteria; aged <50 years and with a diagnosis or in some instances a suspected diagnosis of bowel cancer; you have experienced financial hardship as a result of your diagnosis.
The decision on whether a grant will be successful or not will be made following a consultation with trustee’s and agreement with the majority of trustees as outlined in the constitution.
Following a successful grant application to the hardship fund, the recipient will be transferred the awarded amount (up to a maximum of £2,000) to their registered bank account.
After receipt of the hardship fund, you will be sent a short questionnaire to help us evaluate the scheme.